Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Posted by Haxor On 08:48

Remote Desktop Credentials Bypass

                                       Salam From Hax0r Farhan
                                This is a tutorial Iz Leached By HackForum 

                   This is a tutorial on how to bypass the Windows Remote Desktop                                            Connection credentials page.

If you don't know what the Window's remote desktop credentials page is, it is when your trying to connect to another computer, another window asking for your user account password comes up. And when you enter your password, it will say it's wrong every time. This is how you can 
                                                     bypass that.

So let's say your friend needed help, you open remote desktop connection and put there IP address in and clicked "connect".

And this window pops up, your like "Alright it's just security". You enter your password, and its say's it's incorrect. You try it a couple more times and by then you need to go to sleep. And you think somethings wrong with your computer.

Here's how to bypass that security screen and connect.

Open remote desktop connection, click "Show Options".

After you click "Show Options" it should look like this. Now click "Save As" and save it somewhere on your computer.

It should look like this. I saved it to my desktop.

Right click it> Open with> Notepad

It will look like this. 

Change "authentication level:i:2" to "authentication level:i:0". What this does is take's all the security measures away from connecting.

Scroll down to the bottom of the notepad and add "enablecredsspsupport:i:0". Now press "Ctrl + S" to save that.

Now open the remote desktop connection file we have just made.

You should get the regular remote desktop connection window. Enter a IP address and click "Connect".

You should get a screen that look's like this. Click "Connect" and it should connect you. If it brings up the credentials screen, enter your password and click "OK", it will work now.

You will get this message, click "Yes".

There you go, that is how you bypass the credentials page.

I have worked hard on this Post and would love to get some user feedback. If you still have any problems or questions, Commetzz Below. Thanks! 
Crdtz: Haxor Farhan


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